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Reflections on a Journey into God
A Community Committed to
Eastern Christian Contemplation and the
Healing Sacraments

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
5 days ago1 min read
Intercede for me St. Leoluca
You who prayed without ceasing, healed the sick, and guided the lost towards the path of salvation, I beg of you to intercede for me...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Feb 201 min read
Pray for Me Saint Leo
St. Leo, Bishop of Catania in Sicily was born in Ravenna, Italy. He was loving and studious. St. Leo was ordained a priest at Ravenna and...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 15, 20241 min read
St. Sabinus, Intercede for a Brotherhood
My dear St. Sabinus of Sicily, you served God's people by using your gifts of discernment and wonderworking. And sought the omnipresent...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 13, 20241 min read
Pray for Us, Holy Edward, in Our Difficulties
My Dearest Edward (1003-1066), known as the Confessor because you professed your undying faith and suffered persecution for it, intercede...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 12, 20242 min read
St. Symeon, Show Us the Way to Holy and Healthy Relationships
I beseech you, my dear St. Symeon, to help us find, have, and hold onto holy and healthy relationships. I do not ask this of you lightly....

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 6, 20241 min read
Intercede for Me Holy Apostle Thomas
My Dearest Thomas, You followed Christ You disregarded the world You hid His teachings in your inner room. You were illumined by the...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 6, 20241 min read
Pray for Me Holy Bruno that I May be Worthy
Technically speaking, Bruno, I am not allowed to ask your intercession For you belong on the other side of a line Involving arguments,...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Aug 23, 20241 min read
Show Us the Place and Strike a Rock
St. Nicholas the Sicilian - you who lived an ascetical life on Mount Neotaka in Euboea (the island of Evia) - pray for us to see the same...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
May 12, 20241 min read
Accused 2,000 Times
Oh Thomas, my Thomas! We've accused you almost 2,000 times (Each year since our Lord Ascended) Of having no faith Of having no courage....

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jun 6, 20233 min read
Filled with the Holy Spirit!
This prayer to the Holy Spirit was written by St. Symeon the New Theologian (949–1022) who saw the Spirit before him. "Come, true light...

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