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Reflections on a Journey into God
A Community Committed to
Eastern Christian Contemplation and the
Healing Sacraments

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Dec 10, 20243 min read
God, My Parents, and Thomas Merton
I've been serving on the altar since I was seven years old. One Sunday, when I was nine, I was kneeling at the side of the altar after...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Nov 14, 20242 min read
Do You Want to Change?
How often do you wake up wishing your life was different? Probably more than you care to admit. The good news is that you're not alone....

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Mar 3, 20231 min read
The Chaotic Maze
I pretend and pretend and pretend To want what others want. But the truth is I don't. I don't care about status or trends I don't care...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Dec 2, 20221 min read
Rescue Us from Curses
Do not despise our feeble petitions In times of trouble. Rescue us from the curses that convulse The wretched lips of our enemies. Born...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
May 13, 20221 min read
Fading from the Light
The sun is setting in your eyes I can see it on your face. Your head is bowed And your back low. The brightness of your Illumination Is...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Mar 9, 20221 min read
Spine-Chilling Mystery
How can this be? Pouring Your love into my heart? Filling my mind with Your knowledge? How can You want me before you in prayer? Such a...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 29, 20211 min read
Sound Familiar?
Society screams And people demand. I search for words And nothing is heard. But why try? There was a Word Filled with light. Given in...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jul 15, 20211 min read
This Life I Give to You
With the rising of the sun, You stretch my soul and breathe into my lungs. In the still heat of the noonday, You close my eyes and...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jun 10, 20211 min read
When in the morning A light breeze awakens my mind, I remember You walked the earth. When in the afternoon A hot gust shutters my senses,...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jun 3, 20211 min read
The Divine Refuge
It is getting late and My head hangs low. It is darker now and My tears begin to flow. It is desperate all round so My hands grasp...

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