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Reflections on a Journey into God
A Community Committed to
Eastern Christian Contemplation and the
Healing Sacraments
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Nov 15, 20191 min read
Infinitely Far but Intimately Close
Between God, in His Divine Essence, and humankind, in all of its sinful banality, there lies an incomprehensible infinitude. Yet, through...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Nov 4, 20191 min read
Real and Lasting Happiness
The happiness we perceive in this life is never permanent. It fleets and it fools. It is most often dependent on the actions of others....
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 28, 20191 min read
Ask Forgiveness, Don't Blame Others
God knows everything about us. But do we know everything about ourselves? We must commit to uncovering the things we have done to harm...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 25, 20191 min read
Don't Let Pain Take a Permanent Hold
Sadness, difficulty, anger, and fear seem to be a part of life. But from where do these arise? Setting aside illness and death for the...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 22, 20191 min read
Repent and Acquire a Haven of Peace
"Do not fritter away the time given you for repentance. Do not rivet your eyes to the earth on which you are a momentary actor, on which...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 21, 20191 min read
Remember Death or Die Spiritually
"Our mind is so darkened by the fall that unless we force ourselves to remember death we can completely forget about it. When we forget...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 18, 20191 min read
Help Others, Die to Your Old Self
To truly help others - to intercede for them - one must love. To truly love - to sacrifice for them - one must know God. To know God - to...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 16, 20191 min read
Be Born from Above: Follow the Spirit
"The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 9, 20191 min read
The Climb Toward God Cleanses
"What we human beings achieve in our lives, is like the conquest of a mountain. The human soul cleanses itself through the effort of...
Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Sep 30, 20191 min read
Lay Aside All Earthly Cares
"Woe betide us if He finds us overcharged with the cares and sorrows of this life! For who will be able to bear His anger, who will bear...

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