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Reflections on a Journey into God
A Community Committed to
Eastern Christian Contemplation and the
Healing Sacraments

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jan 41 min read
Tears that Watered a Desert
My dear St. Theoctistus of Sicily, you served God and His people by raising up a monastery that became a place of refuge, rest, and...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Dec 9, 20241 min read
Jesus Heals by Laying on of Hands (Homily)
In this homily of 8 December 2024, Fr. Thomas speaks about the woman who had been bent over for 18 years. In Luke 13:10-17, we learn that...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 15, 20241 min read
St. Sabinus, Intercede for a Brotherhood
My dear St. Sabinus of Sicily, you served God's people by using your gifts of discernment and wonderworking. And sought the omnipresent...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 10, 20244 min read
Clergy and Laity: The Time is NOW
To my dear brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters in Christ: Having spent a lifetime in constant observation and continual...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Nov 1, 20201 min read
Homily: Forgiveness & the Christian Life
A homily on the centrality of forgiveness in Christian life, Fr. Thomas here offers us the supreme example of Christ's forgiveness of...

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