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Reflections on a Journey into God
A Community Committed to
Eastern Christian Contemplation and the
Healing Sacraments

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jan 4, 20221 min read
The Spiritually Dead
Cacophonous and Thunderous, O World of Mine Rending and Reaping with your Screeching and Shrieking, Tending to the Flocks of your Dead...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Nov 19, 20213 min read
God is Faithful to Us
As persons and as a Church we have been challenged during these last two years to reach deep within ourselves to truly know, understand,...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Nov 13, 20211 min read
Suffer the Middle Thing
You are the Alpha and the Omega. I trust you are behind me I trust you are ahead of me. It's this middle thing We call life That I don't...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 29, 20211 min read
Sound Familiar?
Society screams And people demand. I search for words And nothing is heard. But why try? There was a Word Filled with light. Given in...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Oct 23, 20211 min read
Paths of Dark and Light
Why do I take the man-made paths Twisted and turning With fits and stops along the way? Overgrown with brambles Created by a mind Built...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jul 15, 20211 min read
This Life I Give to You
With the rising of the sun, You stretch my soul and breathe into my lungs. In the still heat of the noonday, You close my eyes and...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jun 30, 20211 min read
Heal Me, O Silence
I try to understand How it is That You are So near to me? I want to know why? I want to know how? But why do I want to know? Is it so...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Jun 10, 20211 min read
When in the morning A light breeze awakens my mind, I remember You walked the earth. When in the afternoon A hot gust shutters my senses,...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
May 23, 20211 min read
The Inexhaustible Cup
With head bowed, Back bent, and tired feet, I crawl to you on hands and knees. With eyes swollen, Parched mouth, and Prayer rope in hand,...

Fr. Thomas Colyandro
Apr 23, 20211 min read
Living or Dying Water?
Empty and loveless is the world founded by man, Built for his own edification. Angry and hopeless is the world fueled by man, Possessed...

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