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Giving Ourselves to God

Writer: Fr. Thomas ColyandroFr. Thomas Colyandro

Overjoyed by God's gift of a daughter, Mary's parents, Joachim and Anna, brought her into the Jerusalem Temple when she was about three years old. They asked God to make His will known to her, and to give her the love and strength to follow it. In simpler terms, they presented to God the gift He had given, and asked Him to consecrate it (her).

This story, which comes to us through the Protoevangelium of James, is as instructive to us as it is indicative of the life of the Mother of God. As a response to the grace offered, Mary gave herself perfectly to God, asking that all in her life be done according to His word (Luke 1:38).

His word. Not our word.

Ask yourself: do I present myself to Him? Do I give all of myself to Him?

Let us pray for the strength to do so. Help others do the same.


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