Release Your SpiritFr. Thomas ColyandroMay 31, 20191 min read"Release your spirit, give freedom to it, and it will flow towards that from which it was taken - towards God." - St. Theophan the Recluse, Turning the Heart to God, p. 24 (published separately, this is the second part of The Path to Salvation).#StTheophantheRecluse #Spirituality #SpiritualTheology #Freedom #God #Renewal
"Release your spirit, give freedom to it, and it will flow towards that from which it was taken - towards God." - St. Theophan the Recluse, Turning the Heart to God, p. 24 (published separately, this is the second part of The Path to Salvation).#StTheophantheRecluse #Spirituality #SpiritualTheology #Freedom #God #Renewal