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Divine and Human

Writer's picture: Fr. Thomas ColyandroFr. Thomas Colyandro

Frequently in our time, we hear the refrain: "I am spiritual, but not religious." As confounding as that is - for the simple reason that there is no true, good, or beautiful spirituality that is not informed and shaped by the theology that reveals and undergirds it. The simple Latin phrase Lex orandi, lex credendi explains this best; the law of prayer is the law of belief, which means that the prayers we pray are informed by the theology that constructed them, and, that the theology we create comes from the spiritual experiences we've had - we must also admit that there are those who are "religious but not spiritual."

While it is true that a person who chooses to participate in that which is spiritual has participated in the better half (cf. Luke 10:42), it is also true that we were purpose-built to mirror Christ (who has both a human nature and a divine nature). As St. Paul tells us, "For what human being knows what is truly human except the human spirit that is within? So also no one comprehends what is truly God’s except the Spirit of God" (1 Corinthians 2:11).

In other words, we must work with both halves of our reality: divine and human; spiritual and theological; relational and physical. But how do we do this? Christ showed us how.

Pray: to communicate with God and to commune with Him.

Intercede: to demonstrate God to others and to help them commune with Him and each other.

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