My dearest St. Hugh of Lincoln (1140-1200), you who witnessed my baptism and helped to guide me along the dual paths of silence and pastoral care, on this day of your feast in the West (November 16), I plead with you to intercede for me before Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of my sins, the removal of the stain of my procrastinations, and the reduction of my worry about human machinations.
I also implore you to entreat the Holy Spirit to aid me in deepening my attentiveness to the Uncreated Silence, strengthening my faithfulness to contemplation, and increasing my courage in the provision of the healing sacraments of the Church.
I also ask you, my dear St. Hugh, to ask God to bring these men and women together who seek a community through which healing is made possible in deep prayer and an undying affection for those who need comfort in their pain. Amen.

This well-known painting of St. Hugh of Lincoln, who was a Carthusian monk and bishop, includes the wild swan that would guard him, follow him everywhere, and eat from his hand.