When was the last time
I reflected on
The possibility of
Eternal punishment?
It's such a sick, sad, twisted affair.
No, not this thing
We call damnation.
Not even the fate of sheep and goats.
It's this place we call life
That really bothers me.
The pit we call human relationships.
A real cesspool of humiliation and degradation.
All the while
These two realities
Stare us straight in the face:
The world of now and the world to come.
Rarely a motivator
Infrequently a rejuvenator
We run away from it
Because it is hard to hear.
Perhaps because
Some reformer somewhere
Decided scarring and scaring you
Was the best way to catechize.
It's simpler than that really.
There's darkness,
Then there's illuminated darkness,
That's the real choice.
Nihilism or apophaticism?
Falling deeper into an abyss
Or climbing the mountain?
Choose. Choose now!

Icon of the Last Judgment by Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926).