There is a river lying deep in the soul.
Its waters flow from the Jordan and through
Every Baptism since.
There is also a light shining upon that interior sea.
Its effulgence radiates from the Upper Room and
All the tongues of fire ever seen and unseen.
This still, superabundant presence is an
Encounter of the Divine
Who is omnipresent, omniscient,
Immutable and immovable...
Always and everywhere
Loving, calling
Leading and
Moving us...
Inviting us deeper within
... to repent
... to believe
... to seek union.
So, where are we in this?
... our love?
... our sacrifice?
... our movement toward...
The Most Holy Trinity:
... the Father who creates
... the Son who redeems
... the Spirit who sanctifies.
Who desires our transfiguration, which
Is not a process but an acceptance.
A work of such deep reciprocal love
That theosis is possible
Not by our own agency
But by the descent of Christ
Who gave us the right of assent
And the Spirit of Truth
Who makes possible our ascent.