To my dear brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters in Christ:
Having spent a lifetime in constant observation and continual meditation (by the grace of God), it is clear to me that now is a time for every man, woman, and child to take specific and intentional steps to find their way back to God, His Most Holy Mother, the saints, and the sacraments. Here's how:
GO TO CONFESSION. Too many people have come to ignore this beautiful and healing sacrament, which reproves the inner self and, ultimately, unburdens your mind, heart, and soul from needless fear and dangerous pride.
Be willing to listen to what God is giving the priest to give to you. Make a firm amendment to stop the patterns that lead to the sins you commit repeatedly. Also, keep in mind, if you experience ACTUAL SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, OR PHYSICAL ABUSE before, during, or after Confession or spiritual direction, please tell someone you know and trust in order to get help.
Priests: if you have the privilege to hear confessions, you must invite and encourage your parishioners to come to the Sacrament of Confession and prove that you mean it by offering it as much possible. While being truthful and clear in Confession, you must learn to be equally merciful and loving, as you would want the Lord to be with you during His remembrance of your own sins at the dread judgment.
Priests: You need Confession too. Seek a spiritual father and unburden your soul. This will give you the strength to weather the difficulties that frequently come your way and will only increase during these difficult times.
PRAY: Too many people only pray in times of emergency, if at all. While God will always hear your anxious utterances, you must remember that long term, ongoing prayer takes deeper root when you take the time to be in the presence of God by saying the prayers you know, unburdening your thoughts of fear, emptying your mind and heart of images, being patient, sitting in silence, and listening patiently.
Priests: Do you pray? I mean, do you actually pray? Don't let the constant work of your parish and/or family become a replacement for time within the illuminated darkness of God.
SEEK SOLID CATECHESIS: Too many people these days lack a basic knowledge of the faith and have a hard time explaining why we believe what we believe and worship as we do. Do not misunderstand what I have written here. I DO NOT expect the vast majority of laity, or clergy for that matter, to be able to articulate complex theological statements or recite from the works of spiritual masters. I simply mean that is important to be informed for the sake of yourself, your children, and those God brings to you.
Priests: Do you know enough to educate, aid, and give comfort to your parishioners? Or are you dangerous in that you ignore people's questions, stymie their desire to know more, and frustrate them by the lack of your own ability to explain the faith? On the other hand, do you intimidate people by constantly trying to prove how much you know?
PARTAKE OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST: Too many people today have lost their belief in and practice of going to communion. This is the continual bloodless sacrifice of Christ who offered Himself at the last, holy, and mystical supper before His Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension.
Priests: Do you take your participation in the consecration for granted? Has Liturgy become a performance to you? Are you more worried about the choir or the number of congregants present?
LOVE TO THE POINT OF DEATH: Too many Christians reserve their love for those whom it is easier to love. But we must extend that love to all those God intends for us to encounter. Is this easy? Absolutely not. Does this mean that we should not defend ourselves? Absolutely not. Does this mean we should stop proclaiming the truth of the Trinity, of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, of the Church, of the sacraments, of death, judgment, heaven, and hell? Absolutely not.
Priests: Are you willing to sacrifice for your people (while also acknowledging the need for healthy relationships and adhering to proper boundaries)? It's not enough to 'manage' or 'direct.' It is necessary to give of yourself as Christ did and does. And this can only come about when you allow the Holy Spirit to overshadow you.
While I am well aware that this list is not exhaustive, as well as that each of us sins and fails to live up to the promises we make to God and others, it is vital in these rather tumultuous times that we work every day to reflect the light, love, warmth, and mercy of God who speaks to us through His uncreated silence.
May Almighty God bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
An Orthodox icon of All Saints.