My Dear St. Thomais of Lesvos, you were pressured by your parents to marry and brutalized by your husband every day for 13 years (she died at 38 years old). But you persevered in prayer and remained steadfast in the love and care for others, especially prostitutes. In fact, you remained so deeply faithful to our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ that He allowed you, in life, to perform miracles of healing (curing disease) and gave you the power to banish evil spirits.
That is why, today, St. Thomais (who is commemorated on January 3), we humbly ask you to pray for all men and women who are physically, sexually, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually abused in marriage. And we beg you to intercede for the building up of a sisterhood of women who pledge their lives to contemplating God, healing the wounds of the afflicted, and comforting those in spiritual distress.

An icon of St. Thomais of Lesvos. "You bore much pain and maltreatment, all-wonderous Thomais, with strength in Christ; wherefore you were worthily glorified and received the crown of saints" (Kontakion in the Fourth Tone).