I am human.
I sin.
I disappoint people.
And I hate that reality.
I am human.
I live.
I fail me.
And I hate that reality.
I am human.
I seek.
I get lost.
And I hate that reality.
I am human.
I pray.
I get tired.
And I hate that reality.
I am human.
I believe.
I deny the path of Your will.
And I hate that reality.
I need Your mercy.
I need Your patience.
I need You more than I need me.
But I need me in order to be You for others.
And I love that reality.
I will die for that reality.
I will die for You.
And I will die trying to help them get to You.

Photo by Anas Jawed. Bridge over River · Free Stock Photo (pexels.com) downloaded on 22 August 2023.