My Lord and my God
I wake up each day
Praising You
Loving You
Asking forgiveness from You.
Today, as every other day before and after,
I ask what I can do to know Your will and
To live Your will as fully and completely as I am capable.
I also ask what I can do to
Assist others in living Your will fully too.
For this I have to come to know is the
Greatest act of love toward You and them.
To strive to know, to live, to act according to
Your desire, not my own - and to
Offer up my prayers, my actions, my desires
In loving service to You who loves us all
More than we can ever imagine
More than we can ever fully replicate
On this earth, in this time, in a manner
Befitting Your Holiness, Your Truth, Your Beauty.
I am in awe of You.
I am in love with You.
Knowing full well the weight of my sins
I truly, deeply desire to be closer to you
Every day, all day, and into eternity.
Give me the strength to carry such Love to others.
For it is not mine to keep but to cherish.
It is not mine to hold, but to share.
It is not mine, and yet it is in me, around me
On top of me and below me.
For You, O God, are One.
You are a Triunity of love
Outpouring and Overflowing
This day and every day
From the beginning of time to its end.

The icon of the Holy Trinity by Rublev.