Taking the load off
Hand in hand
Step by step...
They reject.
And along the way...
You protect a safe image.
Compassion? Care?
Euphemisms be damned!
Alas! Spiritual Guidance...
That's the most dangerous business.
These over here need help.
Do they want to change?
Those over there are getting attacked.
Do you have the spiritual courage?
Look at them.
Listen to them.
Show them.
Guide them.
But most of all
Pray with them.
And pray...
And pray... and pray.
This is the life of
Christ's crucifying love.
And the work of the
Spirit overshadowing you...
To Feed
To Confess
To Anoint and
To Shepherd...
Them that curse you
Spit at you
Persecute you and
Condemn you.
This business of helping people is risky.
It's difficult and daring too.
But it's worth it... spiritual guidance that is.
It's worth it for their eternity and...
Your eternity, too,
Through, with, and in God!

Moses at the Burning Bush