Icons tell more than a story.
They explain the faith
As brought to us by God
Who came in the flesh Himself.
They illustrate the love of God
Through the lives of those who lived
And breathed to their last breath
The Holy Spirit among us.
Icons point us to our own inner journey
And guide us on our exterior one.
They open us to God who walked in our shoes
And remind us that God has never left our side.
We are clear on what icons are
And what they are not.
We do not worship them.
We do not mistake them for God.
They do not have magical powers.
They are not good luck charms.
Genies do not pop out of them
I can assure you.
But they do attract demons
And people who want them destroyed.
They attract every heinous response
Because they silently speak the truth.
Icons are depictions about Divine directions.
They are diaries about Divine destinies.
Icons are not the faith itself.
But they do enliven the faith we live.

Mother of God of the Passion by Andreas Ritzos - Web Gallery of Art: Image Info about artwork, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15608966