St. Leo, Bishop of Catania in Sicily was born in Ravenna, Italy. He was loving and studious. St. Leo was ordained a priest at Ravenna and became the Bishop of Catania where he was known as a good shepherd. St. Leo was quite knowledgeable and fought against heretics both by his words and through his writings. He also had the charisms of healing people from various diseases, and of working miracles.

An icon of St. Leo
You were shown forth as a resplendent priest, / a teacher of godliness and a wonderworker, blessed hierarch Leo; / by the light of heavenly virtue you were enriched with the power of the Spirit, / and heal the souls and bodies of those who hasten to you. / Glory to Christ who has glorified you! / Glory to Him who has crowned you! / Glory to Him who through you works healing for all!
With hymns of praise let us crown Leo, / who was consecrated to the Lord from early childhood; / he received grace while still a babe in swaddling clothes. / He is a brightly shining star in the Church: / its valiant defender and firm support!