Oh, how the Apostles must have cried!
When she, whose soul magnified the Lord,
tasted death.
Oh, how the Apostles must have been stunned!
When Thomas, my dear Thomas, begged to behold
Her face once more.
Instead of her beauty and
Without her loving countenance,
Another tomb was found empty.
Shock took over and doubt sunk in
...hard and fast...
But she, who was without sin,
Yet, still in need of Salvation,
Kept in constant prayer,
For those faithful servants who
Served her Son and
Loved her unconditionally,
So that they would know and
Teach the world that the
Fullness of her spiritual
And bodily existence experienced
The heavenly kingdom of Christ.
Teach me your ways, Ever Virgin Mary!
Protect me, Most Holy Lady!
Intercede for me, Most Holy Theotokos!
Today, in my deepest prayer I implore you.
Do not give up on me.
Remain in constant prayer for me.
Love me.

Mosaic of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Koimisis tis Theotokou) from The Church of Holy Savior in Chora, Constantinople.