How can this be?
Pouring Your love into my heart?
Filling my mind with Your knowledge?
How can You want me before you in prayer?
Such a wretched soul
Crying for my sin.
Rending my garments
In a wilderness of my own making.
Hiding and
Repenting and
There I am.
Loving you with all my heart
Desiring to fulfill Your will.
Daring to be close to You now
Imagining life with You for all eternity.
Seeking Your face
Warming by Your light.
"What is this spine-chilling mystery that is being accomplished in me?"

An icon of the Transfiguration.
(The last line in the selection above is a quote from Symeon the New Theologian, "Hymn 1," Divine Eros, SVS Press, p. 35).