My mountain
My mountain
My poor, dear mountain,
How I weep for you!
You who bowed under
The feet of Our Lord.
You who lifted up
Moses and Elijah.
You who witnessed the
Transfigured Christ and
Sheltered the Apostles,
Who could not bear His light.
I wail for our people.
These children of Abraham
Who suffer and hate....
As much as they love and celebrate.
How do I know?
I see it.
I hear it.
I live it.
I will not forget that birthday
When I set my eyes on you.
After 3 days
A tomb was opened...
When my feet found
Your hallowed ground. I was
Awakened, enlivened, and transformed.
Transfigured? Not so fast.
2 days later Evil tried (again)
To drag me into his hell.
79 days hence, October 7
Bloodied your land.
3 months anon,
With bodies stacked high
Hearts brought low
And prayer belied...
Why would I be surprised?
Your land.
My land.
This very Holy land.
With tired hands
And blistered knees
My heart grows... weary?
Not so fast
I will not give up!
And neither will you.
Because God's love never abates
Through the blood and the hate.
Open your eyes at Theophany!
Throw your arms around the Resurrection!
Listen to the holy silence of Pentecost!
Seek the holy light of the Transfiguration!
My mountain
My mountain
My dear and glorious mountain,
How I cherish you!
Photo of Mt. Tabor taken by Fr. Thomas on 15 July 2023.