I pretend and pretend and pretend
To want what others want.
But the truth is
I don't.
I don't care about status or trends
I don't care about politics or position.
I don't care about nations or businesses.
They're all just part of the labyrinthine flight from God.
All I want is a simple Liturgy
And Eucharist
And prayer
And thinking about prayer
And reading about prayer
And writing about prayer
And talking about prayer
And looking at art that expresses prayer
And listening to music that enlivens prayer.
Prayer is speaking
Prayer is listening
Prayer is looking
Prayer is feeling
Prayer is communing
Prayer is...
Finding your way to God by choosing to leave the chaotic maze!
Photo downloaded from pexels.com (https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-and-orange-galaxy-illustration-41951/) on 3 March 2023.